
Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 74

March 14th, Wednesday - Yes, this is me reading. A book. I do read, oh yes, actual words. With no pictures or anything! I've been blitzing through A Game of Thrones, the first book in the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series by George R. R. Martin - mostly because I loved the first series of the recent HBO adaptation and in anticipation of the new series about to air soon. Blitzing for me, that is. I still read relatively slowly. To put in perspective, last year, I potentially read 100 pages of an actual novel (I read scripts for work, and graphic novels, and you know, written print of some form....) - This is my second book this year and I'm already 500 pages into it. That's 5 years of reading right there. I know what you're thinking; I'm like some kind of futuristic reading machine, sent back to the past to consume books and preserve knowledge for future generations. That was what you were thinking, right??? RIGHT?????!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Poy #13 and 14

You've all missed him, I know... So lets double up some Poy madness!

"I wish I were a Golden Peach". Words we can all live by, I think you'll agree....

Day 73

March 13th, Tuesday - Finally! You knew it was only so long before I jumped on the bandwagon, so here you go - 3D!! My blog in 3D*! Not two, but three whole damn dimensions!! It's the future! It'll stop war and cure cancer!! or so I'm led to believe....

If you know me, you know I hate 3D. I work in the film industry and I hate 3D. Its a fad and it WILL die out. I'm not an idiot, I can watch a 2D film and still understand perspective, I dont need to spend an extra £2 to wear glasses OVER my glasses to see a slight shift in perspective planes. I just don't. I have yet to really see a film where the 3D brings enough extra to a movie to justify its inclusion. Just stop now. Stop.

So yeah, today we saw John Carter. In 3D. Its only ok. And the 3D? It does nothing... but then, you already knew that....

*3D Blog requires glasses, which can be bought from me, for £2.40....

Day 72

March 12th, Monday - People are crazy in London. No, I mean it, People are actually CRAZY in London.

After two random encounters during the weekend pub crawl with a couple of flat-out crazies, we come across another one, happily singing in the middle of Piccadilly. Now there's nothing crazy about public singing, though right? There is when you only sing 4 lines, over and over. To random, scared looking people in the street. I mean standing over them and singing at them, while they run away. Possibly drunk...

"Hey, How are ya doing?
Sorry I can't get through.
Leave your name and number
And I'll get back to you."

This is not a song. But maybe it is a sign.... Three crazies in three days... It can only mean one thing...

The End of the World is Nigh. Get ready people...

Day 71

March 11th, Sunday - There aren't many things better than a sunday kickabout down the park with your mates. Except maybe a sunday kickabout down the park with Swain.

After a lie in post drinking, the sun was shining so football was in order. Swain doesn't play football very often and its not that he's that bad, but just that he is pure hilarity whilst playing. The attire was an interesting choice, his mazy runs outskilled only himself, he cushioned a cross loudly with his genitals, but my absolute favourite?? As the ball comes over to him, he chests down the ball by fronting up to it 'Newport' style, with an "Oh, DICKHEAD!" before shooting wide of goal. You may have had to be there, but I was literally in tears on the floor....

Day 70

March 10th, Saturday - Today was meant to be a Pub Crawl, from our house in NW london, to central. Note to self (well, to all actually) - Pub Crawls can not be done with this many sleepy hungover people. DO NOT get everyone down the local the night before a Pub Crawl, as it will get messy and that 11am Pub Crawl start will become 1pm if lucky. With a late all day breakfast. And coffee, rather than a pint (unless you're Phil). I guess we are getting old now....

But good on everyone for soldiering on and trying your best! (well done to Abi, about 8 months pregnant and still getting from pub to pub, though no Alcohol, dont worry!) They put up with at least 2 crazy London racists (Please don't talk to them Phil...), a bus journey from hell, a sleepy club attempt and some pricey booze. I salute you all. Huzzah!

Day 69

March 9th, Friday - So many of you may have wondered what happened to my blog... (or not, it is just a small doodle blog after all... but yes, WHY AREN'T YOU WONDERING?? and emailing me with concern??!) As my last blog was me crying in a corner, dont worry I haven't been there since.

But I have now officially turned 30, and its all gone downhill! Actually, I thought it wouldn't bother me so much, but there is something about hitting those milestones that is a bit depressing and to be honest I hit a bit of a wall. Feeling a bit clearer at the mo, so here we go, some new blogs - which are in fact month old blogs. Mega apologies to those who actually liked reading them and those of you who are more saddened by the absence of Poy from your lives!

So yes, 'today' I turned 30. I'm now a grown-up. With lots of my grown-up friends coming to visit me for the weekend. So what does a proper grown-up get for his birthday you may ask?? Well, among others gifts, I received; A blow up dinosaur space hopper (with inflatable club), my own personal Jay Muppet (kindly created by my uber-talented friend Elwick!), Archery Lessons (As I'm a geek and have always wanted to try to be an Archer....), an Emily Strange pencil case (Why Matt, Why?! "Cos you're Emo and Arty and shit innit") and two cakes. And books and Blurays, naturally. Swish.

Yes. I am actually 30. Who'd have guessed. But to cap being an actual grown-up, my wonderful girlfriend Vicki bought me a lovely shiny (well, matt black) new Fossil watch. Well, I am a grown-up now. Maybe I should start looking presentable....

*Thankyou to all my friends for coming to visit on my Birthday and for their generous gifts and drink-buying! For those who couldnt make it, I dont blame you - your wallet is probably much better off!*

Monday 21 May 2012

Where the hell have all the blog posts gone?!

Hey Guys.... Yes, I know i've been pretty bloody awful at trying to keep up with these. Stuff came up, so I'd fall behind a few days. Then more stuff came up and I'd put it off a while longer. And then I'd look at how many days I had to draw and it all became a bit daunting to catch up.

And now I'm over 2 months of doodles behind. And Poy. Lets not forget Poy (Who could).

But I've kept a note of everyday, so I know what I need to draw and at some point I plan to catch up. I am working at the mo, so thats eating up time, but I'm going to try and find a quicker style and way to go about it. Plus, some days I'll just put up a picture of what I've been drawing/painting that day, rather than just draw me drawing again... thats getting old fast... This may become a weekly blog, rather than daily...

Oh and I'll update and explain through my '30 in 30' list and how its coming (or not) along.

But for those who might be slightly interested, I have a new tab at the top of the blog called Film 2012. Its my current list of favourite films from the year. I'm not doing too well, but expect it to be a pretty solid top 10 come December!

Huzzah! Sploosh! Excelsior!


Monday 2 April 2012

Poy #12

A new week, a new Poy (though technically this is last weeks Poy... Oh, don't worry, you'll get your fill).

This week children, Poy juggles the Love. Clearly. Who saw that coming?

Day 68

March 8th, Thursday - B-Day approaches. Tomorrow I'll be 30. If you dont mind I'm going to go off somewhere and sob wholeheartedly...

*(I realise this is being updated and written retrospectively, so apologies for my use of present-tense... but sod it, it sounds better. Plus its my blog.)*

Thursday 29 March 2012

Poy #11

I know that, more than anything on this blog, you're all eagerly awaiting new Poy posts (PPs... ha...) - So sorry for recent delays but as you can see, I'm churning them out now (Not Poy, I can't lay claim to that wonder). So new Poy, here ya go! Oh yes.

Day 67

March 7th, Wednesday -

Day 66

March 6th, Tuesday -

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 65

March 5th, Monday - Oh yes, its Killer 80s Robot Double Bill Madness Day!! (K80RDBM Day, for short. Catchy eh??) The PCC - which I don't frequent anywhere near as much as I should - have some brilliant double bills every Monday and we couldn't miss this one; especially considering that I'd only half watched Robocop before and never seen Terminator. And I'm meant to be a child of the 80s, I know, for shame. Self-flagellation imminent.

Well I have now seen them. And They. Are. Awesome.

Day 64

March 4th, Sunday - After popping Vicki back on a train west it was time to retire for the day. Main reason being my leg still feels bloody painful, especially after a few days of walking around on it. So I've taken up residence in the living room, foot up with some ice on it, in the hope that it can be fixed before my birthday next week (I'm gonna need it...)

It wasn't clear that there was Ice on my shin, so I'll added a handy label. There it is. Phew.

Film 86 - Once Upon a Time in America
So what better to watch when laid up injured with nowhere to go - how about a near 4 hour epic?? One of Rich's favourite films (he's been trying to get me to watch my copy for a LONG time) and now I can see why. Leone's film is a masterpiece - inspired performances (from De Niro and Woods in particular, of course) and a compelling narrative, though with a slightly odd ambiguity at the end. Actually makes 4 hours fly by. 

Day 63

March 3rd, Saturday - To the always wonderful Vicki, Happy 6 years together!

Yes, thats right, as its mine and Vickis 6 year anniversary (of dating, but that still counts as an anniversary....) we spent a lovely day together. So why is there not a picture of us for todays blog you may ask?? Well it was overshadowed slightly by this awesomeness. We had matinee tickets for Zach Braff's brilliant new show 'All New People' (and it is brilliant, oh yes yes.... I highly recommend it, a fantastic, talented cast and it's still running till the end of April at the Duke of York's Theatre... What, you're still here? Go buy tickets... Now... gogogogogo...) and afterwards thought we'd hang around, as others were, for the chance he might emerge.

And emerge he did (to huge cheers and calls of "EEEEEEAGLE"), before very kindly spending 15 mins signing, chatting and having photos with fans - A lovely humble gent. Watching Scrubs together was one of our things we did a lot before and after we became a couple so it was incredible to get a chance to meet the man himself on such a fitting day. Vicki (There's her head in the bottom left corner!) got our copy of Garden State signed and was overjoyed to be called sweetheart - sadly that was where I lost her, as all her love went on rolling out superlatives for Zach. Curse you Mr Braff....

Here as well is the Programme and Signed DVD, as well as the pretty nifty Anniversary card I made her. I'd been trying to find a Rob Ryan card (cutout style) and failed, so made my own (Welsh themed). And yes, that is one of the terms of affection we use - How cool are we...

Film 87 - Attack The Block
Gremlins with Hoodies is how I described this to Vicki and Rich as we sat down to watch it. They were less than impressed. I still loved it (though they brought me down somewhat!) and the young cast do a great job. The aliens are out of this world as well (narf narf!).

Day 62

March 2nd, Friday - Another big congrats here to one of our friends from Uni - Dan has recently get engaged to his lovely girlfriend/now fiance Clare and we were invited out for drinks down Waterloo way to celebrate. They're an awesome couple (apologies to you both for the drawing!) so massive happy congratulations! It would appear now is the time for Uni people to start getting engaged/married, so big question.... Who next??

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 61

March 1st, Thursday - MARCH!!! Another month down. I had the day off before work and decided to go walk around London (looking for presents for the weekend). I made a grevious error. As you may have seen earlier in this blog, my almost 30 year old body is starting to fail me. Curse you Old Father Time. So after walking around a lot of London, for about 7 hours, my knee started to give out again. I then went to work, De-rigging, which meant carrying a bloody load of flats and heavy furniture into a van. Knee was agony, so I favoured the other leg while climbing up and down the tail-lift. Regretful decision.

The next day I could hardly walk on the other leg. Shin splints. So two legs down. Almost 30 Jay out. In hindsight, I should have paid for the tube...

I did walk past Danny Wallace on my travels, but he was too engrossed in his phone and I didnt want to stop him and plead him to carry me...

Day 60

February 29th, Wednesday - Chris recently said to me that this blog has become less about Storyboard practice and more of a comic (though I think he still liked it...). He may be right... So heres something a bit more boardy. I'm also gonna simplify these for a bit, to try and catch up (2 weeks behind, eek!)

Ext. Chelsea Football Club. Day.
Establishing shot - A young man arrives for work, engulfed by the vastness of the stadium. He then spends the day lifting flats and painting. Young man goes home tired. Fin.

Not my best story, I'll be the first to admit... But then this was the extra day in the year I forgot about...

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 59

February 28th, Tuesday - CATS!!!!!!! These little guys are Zippy (In the front) and Bitty, our landlords cats who live below us. In a year and a half, I'd never met Zippy (who'd been a kitten when we arrived) - Today I opened the front door to go out and he was set on the step, meowing at me, so I sat down and stroked him. Cue Bitty appearing from nowhere.

I sat on that step for 30 minutes. Oh yes. Best. Day. Ever. Ok now, can I get a collective "NAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!". So fluffy!!

Day 58

February 27th, Monday -This is me working. No, really. Here I am researching and applying for jobs. Just because I'm chilling on the sofa enjoying a coffee, doesn't mean I'm not fully on it.... Though I look like this at other times too, so I can understand your confusion and suspicion...

On an unrelated note - Suspicion is a funny word isn't it? I'm typing it and it looks wrong. Even more so when I say it a few times. Suspicion. Suspicion..... Suspicion....

Film 88 - The City of Lost Children
Finally got around to watching this! I'm a big fan of Jeunet and Caro's work - their off the wall creativity and visual style - so I'm always suprised I haven't watched this sooner. Odd story, lavish design and barmy performances all make for a wonderful film. And Perlman. Just put him in everything. Oh wait, he already is?? Huh, fine by me...

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 57

February 26th, Sunday - Hungover and sleepy, even a Costa doesn't seem to help. So when the boys suggest a Taro visit I feel like I'll just sit there and not eat. But then its Taro and I can't help but eat. So Tofu Steak Don it is (whether or not its good hangover food). I'm still sleepy.

Day 56

February 25th, Saturday - This was our Housewarming party; 16 months too late maybe, but here ya go. Thankyou to all who turned up (it wasn't the BUSIEST party....) as it was a lot of fun, followed by some impromptu living room dancing. Of note, it appears Jimmy can sleep through a lot of loud music and Elwick should not be trusted with drinks as she is a major spiller.... Also, we now have a lot of leftover beer...

Poy #10

Yeah... I cant even begin to tell you whats going on here...... As that would suggest that I even know...

Friday 9 March 2012

30 Time

Its March 9th..... aka. B-Day. The time has come, I am now officially 30. Balls.

But no, its not all bad. I'm off to have a lovely weekend full of friends and booze. I'll be back to continue the update after the weekend - I know I'm still quite far behind, don't judge me... It'll happen very soon!

Ta all, and cheers for reading/browsing/procrastinating with the blog. Muchos appreciated!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 55

February 24th, Friday -I've spent the last couple of days Oil Painting again, after getting hold of some new (effective) materials. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. But note to self - start with a SMALLER canvas next time - Oil paint ain't cheap. I shall show it off on here when its done... I know you wanna see it.... *tumbleweed*.... Right??

Day 54

February 23rd, Thursday - In the words of Mark Watson.... "Haircut?... Gutted."

And yes, the frame of the mirror actually looked like that. I dont make this shiz up you know...

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 53

February 22nd, Wednesday - I was falling behind on Doodles and so I tried to catch up on some, knocking out a few of the lil' fellas. But since then, I've fallen behind again. And I'm not sure which I was doodling. So here's me doodling. Doodling doodles. An infinity loop of doodles. And boy, was it confusing to draw...

Day 52

February 21st, Tuesday - Pancake Day, Yes its Pancake Day, Yes its P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Pancake Day! (Thanks to Jo for reminding me of this quote...And mega kudos to anyone who knows it...)

Anyway, Pancake Day is up there as one of my favourite days of the year (Along with Halloween!). And I nearly forgot it. Thankyou Edwards for the reminder at nearly 9pm. Quick trip to the shop.... Winner Winner, Pancakes for dinner. Also, to top it off, Rich returned after weeks working away! Coffee buddy is home!!!

Day 51

February 20th, Monday - Tav (thats my car, Tav. Hey Tav!) failed his MOT so needed a quick operation to bring him up to speed. All fixed and healthy and back on the road, ready to struggle with props for me again. He's a bloody trooper that car...

Day 50

February 19th, Sunday - Vicki starts her new job tomorrow so has now made the move down to Bournemouth. So today I hopped on a train to visit. By advance booking I'd scored myself a first class ticket, for cheaper than a standard fare. This is what's wrong with the train service - it makes no sense. Sadly, after it was suggested I may get complimentary coffee on first class (Vicki...), there was no trolley. No coffee. Jamie sad. All train and no coffee make Jamie something something...

But Bournemouth was lovely (and sunny to boot) and we had a long stroll along the beach, a gallery trip, a meal and a visit to Vickis flat (courtesy of temp hospital accommodation) - and a calm vicki, ready for new job. Now back to the smoke....

2nd Gallery Visited - Russell-Cotes Gallery and Museum
A beautiful Manor house (built in 1897) combining a selection of galleries and a collection of the souvenirs and curios collected by Sir Merton and Lady Russell-Cotes on their world travel. Its an incredible collection and the architecture of the house is stunning. And it was free, so win.

Friday 2 March 2012

Day 49

February 18th, Saturday -Ellie made this for Greg out of some balloons and left her waiting in his room for him to find when he came back drunk. I recommended she be a redhead - naturally. Her boob balloons also had LEDs in them. She was quite a sight (I'm sure you'll agree).

Greg (sadly) wasn't a fan. I think he was just a bit intimidated by her....

Day 48

February 17th, Friday - IKEA are possibly the best props house around. You can buy as much as you want and then take it all back after for a refund (keep packaging and try not to cut off labels!). They'll hate you, but meh, what can you do. Here I roll in with two - yes, TWO - trollies full of stuff to return.

The lady asks "Hello, what are you returning today?"
"Umm, hi... yeah, all of this."
"All of it??"
"....... Yes."
"...Ok. What's the reason for the return?" As she starts scanning stuff and piling it in a new trolley.
"Uh..... I'm gonna say... I. Dont. Need. it??"
She looks at me. ".... Ok. So.... Surplus?"
"Yeah yeah yeah, that one!"

Good bless you IKEA. And your returns policy. And all your affordable swedish crap.

Poy #9

This weeks Poy is based on a True Story. No, really, it is. And Poy's right too.

Monday 27 February 2012

Day 47

February 16th, Thursday - An essential for the Art Department, have a mobile props storage ready to chuck everything in *coughcarefullycough* at midnight when the rest of the crew have wrapped and left! Poor TAV ended the day fit to bursting, even after the Van was packed solid. I dont know how, but you always end up with more than you bring, even if you leave/dump stuff. Its one of the many mysteries of Art Dept.... Like where does all the tape go?? And why don't we get paid overtime??

Day 46

February 15th, Wednesday - Art Department rule #25... DON'T scratch anything expensive in expensive looking houses..... Today's challenge was to cover a lovely (and clearly expensive) ornate staircase so the corner of a hallway/entrance could look like a bedroom. Huh. Without screwing anything to ANYTHING. No damage, no holes, but make it strong and safe.... I love stuff like this...

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 45

February 14th, Tuesday - Ah Valentines Day, surely there'll be a nice blog about that. Right?? Nope, Vicki and I thankfully don't go in for the Valentines Day shindig (win) and I was working anyway.

Commercial for Dreams Beds. For those not in the know about what it is Art Department actually do, this is mainly it right here. We carry stuff. We carry a lot of heavy shiz, from the van to the set. And then we carry some more. Then later, when all the crew are finished and home, we're still carrying it back. Its an art. Like a pack mule.

So with all that carrying, I must have super bulging biceps right??................. Nup. *sigh*

Poy #8

And I can't elaborate on this either. Just that Poy is seven shades of awesome...

Poy #7

Two for the week here, as Mr Swings brings us some backstory - Every hero needs his origin story and here it is. Poy: The beginning. Yes, thats right, your eyes aren't deceiving you, Poy was an undigested potato, expelled from the posterior of an old woman during a bout of flatulence. (And she apparently likes to eat potatos while half naked...)

I'm not making this stuff up kids.

Oh, and Mash (The little guy) is her son. He's a snake. Trapped in a christmas hat. I know, I know...

Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 44

February 13th, Monday - Mega house clean today, partly to procrastinate before job tomorrow, partly in prep for house party the week after and in the most part because I find cleaning relaxing. But you need music. And today I rediscovered the old joys of Reel Big Fish - 3 albums (not heard in years), lots of vocal accompaniment and some intermittent skanking later, the house is clean. And I'm content. Cool kid indeed.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 43

February 12th, Sunday - Today was..... Muppets Day!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! (Kermit style).

I love Muppets. I've been looking forward to this film for ages, and thankfully was not disappointed! Funny, Charming, Heartwarming, Self referential, full of fantastic songs ("Am I a MAAAAAAAAAN, or am I a muppet? If I'm a muppet, then I'm a very manly muppet....") and chickens singing. And Beaker. What more do you want.

Great to have you back guys! Long Live the Muppets!! (Muppet nod of approval.... nod..... nod....)

Day 42

February 11th, Saturday - Today Drake and I were flung out of an exploding plane, and as we plummeting to the ground, wind whipping around us, I thought "This is it...". But in a typical stroke of good fortune (Nate with his uncanny Longshot-style luck powers) we grabbed a falling cargo crate, pulled the parachute cord in time and floated gracefully to the ground. Lucky. Or were we. Sand. Sand all around. We were in the middle of the Rub' al Khali Desert. The heat blazed. We had no water. No coffee. And for some reason Nate wouldn't check the cargo supplies. Sometimes he just doesn't think....

What??! This was a day well spent! Crushing Uncharted, hells yes!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 41

February 10th, Friday - After watching Anchorman with Greg in the evening, we proceeded to stay up till 3am singing as he played ukelele, learning 'Afternoon Delight' (due to Ron Burgundy) and other classics. Two grown men. Singing 'Afternoon Delight'. On a ukelele. At 3am. On a Friday night. We are some damn cool kids (and I won't hear a word said otherwise....).

Film 90 - Rushmore
I enjoy Wes Anderson, I find his quirky ways endearing (by just the right amount) and his films are always entertaining. But after finally watching Rushmore for the first time I can happily say this is my favourite. Not just because of the brilliant performances, but because this is the first I've seen with real heart to it. The end dance/song - just sublime. "Tell that stupid Mick he just made my list of things to do today"

Film 89 - Anchorman
What really needs to be said??? "60% of the time, it works Everytime."

Day 40

February 9th, Thursday - Tonight I went for drinks with my new agency, Sara Putt Associates. They do a casual drinks and networking style evening most months (So I've been told) and tonight was an introductory one for myself and the rest of the new Art Dept Assistants.

I think I've mentioned already, I freak out meeting new people. I'm very nervous. I hardly know anyone. Its a veritable Lions Den and I'm liable to make a tit of myself. This pic is what my brain's thinking as I head in...

But ooooh, Nametags! That helps. As does free beer (which tastes better than paid-for beer). And thankfully everyone I meet is lovely and friendly and I dont think I said anything too incriminating... Or dumb... So, thats a plus! Look forward to the next one.

What, did you just want me to draw people standing around drinking beer?? Pshhh.

Monday 20 February 2012

Day 39

February 8th, Wednesday - Today, much later than normal, I went for my first token jog of the year. I thought "Ah this jogging lark is easier than normal, I'll just go a bit longer... Bit faster..." It turns out this was a lie. My brain lied. My almost 30 year old knees are not used to this anymore and so proceeded to fall off in agony half way round. I thought it was just the burn I had to push through.... I was wrong.

The problem with your knees falling off halfway round a jog is that you then still have to get back (I contemplated just making a new life for myself in the park, living as one with the animals and tramps). So I jogged. Man, was I sore in the morning...

Sunday 19 February 2012

Falling Behind

Ok, I know what you're thinking - "There we go, Jay caved with his blog after just over a month. He lasted longer than expected. Nice try." Well no, I know I'm about a week and a half behind now, but that was due to a mega busy week of killer 17 hour days on a Commercial. I plan to get a rush on and catch up. Sorry for the delay, normal service will be resumed shortly.

You haven't beaten me yet blog....

Day 38

February 7th, Tuesday - Today was my first completed '30 by 30'! It was a simple yet vital one - Sign up for a dentist and have a check up.

I've not had a dentist since I moved to London and my teeth are rubbish anyway (I'm a massive grinder), so its important I get them checked regularly. An easy achievement on the list to start.

However, this was rushed along quicker due to the recent soft mint tooth crack incident (the SMTC)... Stupid soft mints, grumble grumble. Anyways, new dentist found, went for consultation and he just gave me a filling right away. Easy. Win. 29 (much harder ones) to go!

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 37

February 6th, Monday - No, thats not me. Today Greg was Ill so spent the day on the sofa. Because I'm a good friend (and not at all lazy and looking for ways to procrastinate) I pulled up a chair and watched films with him, making him tea at intervals. Like Florence Nightingale. With a beard. And none of the helping.

Film 92 - Enchanted
We love Amy Adams. Seriously, who doesn't? Her effortless charm helps make this such a likeable film and its about as Meta as Disney gets. Also, James Marsden makes a brilliant dimwitted prince. How often do we get to say that?

Film 91 - Jennifers Body
Hmmm, I know, I know. Its quite a fun film in places and I like Amanda Seyfried, who has some great moments in this, but I expected a tighter script from Diablo Cody off the back of Juno, and lets be fair, its no Heathers or Teeth. But it was £2...

Poy #6

Piece of history here. Apparently this was one of the original Poy's - This bad boy is over 13 years old!

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, it belongs in a museum. Count yourself lucky readers.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 36

February 5th, Sunday - A historic moment: Dill managed to use his often ropey sense of direction, hereafter to be named 'Dilldar' (His word (Patent Pending)), to locate the right street to find an Argos, relatively painlessly. Seriously, this rarely happens. And should be celebrated.

Also, of note, up until today I had been to the cinema 3 times this year; The Artist, Shame, The Descendants. This is a bloody great run of films for 2012. Today we watched Chronicle. Best found footage film since Cloverfield (Shush Vicki). 4 for 4.

Then we followed it up with Haywire.

You had a good run kid, it had to end sometime.

Day 35

February 4th, Saturday - Today I started trying to paint. I say tried to paint as I haven't had much practice before with Oils and thought I was better at them than I actually am. I'm sure it'll get better and I'll find the right way but at the moment, its a bit of a fail. Even worse, I've chosen a massive canvas, so have lots to paint. LOTS. Balls.

Film 93 - Alice in Wonderland 
I had planned to have a Saturday morning cartoon fest, but only managed the 1951 Disney Alice in Wonderland. It was great, but not as much as I'd remembered. I love Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, but they're just so hard to get right. Still, the Cheshire Cat rocks. And the 'making of' feature is a fascinating insight into Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson). So there.

Friday 10 February 2012

Day 34

February 3rd, Friday - Our house is f-f-f-f-frikkin' freezing, no joke (Ha..). Winter has finally descended (where were you in December) and its damn cold outside. Unfortunately, its just as cold - if not worse - inside. The heating, she does nothing! Especially sat next to draughty windows. I was meant to be drawing today. My fingers were literally freezing - their movement had slowed past the point of being any use, so doodling and painting became a bust.

I could have left the heating on all day I suppose, but pfftttt, we are on a meter for the gas. I may be cold as ice, but I'm not willing to sacrifice our credit.... (A trait picked up from my Dad....)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 33

February 2nd, Thursday - Another on my '30 by 30' list is to Paint 7 Paintings (A4 or Larger). I've drawn out the first one of the year today, ready to paint - This one is A1 size... Straight in with the largest canvas I have at my disposal... Yikes.

So, can you guess what it is yet??

Also, I had considered just putting a photo of the finished drawing on here as todays doodle. Can I do that? Otherwise I'm just drawing me drawing a drawing... Hmmm...

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 32

FEBRUARY (!) 1st, Wednesday - Well, we made it this far folks! 1 month of updates, only 11 to go!

335 More drawings... Lots more hours... Oh boy, I may regret this come December... Or March even....

Anyway, today was a day of drawing, but sod that - to commemorate 1 month - and also we moved above 1000 views for the blog, woop! (Not all of them Vicki...) - I've done a special drawing. This is me in full on kitchen-dancing mode, celebrating by pulling some shapes. Its hard to draw the awesome spectacle of my dancing.

And its in Pen. 'Cos its special and all that. I know, I need work on my penmanship - depth and shading...

I'm not a tracer.....