
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 69

March 9th, Friday - So many of you may have wondered what happened to my blog... (or not, it is just a small doodle blog after all... but yes, WHY AREN'T YOU WONDERING?? and emailing me with concern??!) As my last blog was me crying in a corner, dont worry I haven't been there since.

But I have now officially turned 30, and its all gone downhill! Actually, I thought it wouldn't bother me so much, but there is something about hitting those milestones that is a bit depressing and to be honest I hit a bit of a wall. Feeling a bit clearer at the mo, so here we go, some new blogs - which are in fact month old blogs. Mega apologies to those who actually liked reading them and those of you who are more saddened by the absence of Poy from your lives!

So yes, 'today' I turned 30. I'm now a grown-up. With lots of my grown-up friends coming to visit me for the weekend. So what does a proper grown-up get for his birthday you may ask?? Well, among others gifts, I received; A blow up dinosaur space hopper (with inflatable club), my own personal Jay Muppet (kindly created by my uber-talented friend Elwick!), Archery Lessons (As I'm a geek and have always wanted to try to be an Archer....), an Emily Strange pencil case (Why Matt, Why?! "Cos you're Emo and Arty and shit innit") and two cakes. And books and Blurays, naturally. Swish.

Yes. I am actually 30. Who'd have guessed. But to cap being an actual grown-up, my wonderful girlfriend Vicki bought me a lovely shiny (well, matt black) new Fossil watch. Well, I am a grown-up now. Maybe I should start looking presentable....

*Thankyou to all my friends for coming to visit on my Birthday and for their generous gifts and drink-buying! For those who couldnt make it, I dont blame you - your wallet is probably much better off!*

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