
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 64

March 4th, Sunday - After popping Vicki back on a train west it was time to retire for the day. Main reason being my leg still feels bloody painful, especially after a few days of walking around on it. So I've taken up residence in the living room, foot up with some ice on it, in the hope that it can be fixed before my birthday next week (I'm gonna need it...)

It wasn't clear that there was Ice on my shin, so I'll added a handy label. There it is. Phew.

Film 86 - Once Upon a Time in America
So what better to watch when laid up injured with nowhere to go - how about a near 4 hour epic?? One of Rich's favourite films (he's been trying to get me to watch my copy for a LONG time) and now I can see why. Leone's film is a masterpiece - inspired performances (from De Niro and Woods in particular, of course) and a compelling narrative, though with a slightly odd ambiguity at the end. Actually makes 4 hours fly by. 

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