
Monday 9 January 2012

Day 7

Jan 7th, Saturday - Lazy Saturday morning, Vicki cooks us all Scotch Pancakes (as Rich prefers them). I love pancakes. Loves them. First Pancakes of the year. Also, if you don't get it from the picture, Vicki is small. We joke about it often. She's a trooper.

Also, what makes a Pancakes Scotch? And what makes an Egg scotch? What makes Tape scotch? What makes Hop scotch???

Lazy Saturday morning also coincided with watching Cartoons....

Film 99: The Little Mermaid - Yay, Disney! Yay, Ariel! Yay, Max the Dog! Also, this rekindled my love for Ariel.

Film 98: Howls Moving Castle - Vicki had never seen a Studio Ghibli film before. She loved it, obviously. How could you not?? I should show her Totoro....

Film 97: Dr Strangelove Or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb - My Kubrick collection has been half pushed in for ages, so finally got round to watching this with the boys. Its outstanding. Incredibly funny, looks amazing and fantastic design by Ken Adam. Must watch more Peter Sellers.

"Gentlemen, You can't fight in here. This is the War Room."

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